Carmel Police Station Addition
Location: Carmel, Indiana
Scale: 74,742 SF
Program: City Court / Clerks Office / Courtroom / Training and Workspace / Offices / Crime Laboratory
Team: Studio M, City of Carmel, Envoy, KBSO Consulting, CE Solutions Inc, Crossroad Engineers PC, JS Held LLC
Status: Under Construction
Located on South Rangeline road in the city of Carmel, Indiana the Carmel Police Department Addition will help meet the pressures of the ever-growing city. The Carmel Police Department was originally designed in 1990 and served a population of roughly 25,000 residents and has grown to serve over 100,000 residents today. To meet the demand. Studio M and the CPD HQ have designed an addition that triples the original capacity of the existing structure and provides space for future growth. The construction seamlessly blends the new with the existing and will house the City Court and Clerks Office and the necessary programs accompanied by them to serve the community for generations to come.